Sunday, April 10, 2005


Post no. 28

I think im getting addicted to blogging.

Believe me, its not good at this point of time.

But heres something i extracted off Channel News Asia Website (at least some good people are still providing news for free).

Pls visit their website at the following address for good up to date information.

Anyway, heres a paragraph from the article.

BEIJING : More than 1,000 anti-Japanese protesters hurled rocks and bottles and shouted abuse at the residence of the Japanese ambassador to Beijing as part of protests condemning Japan for its handling of its wartime past.

A cordon of riot police belonging to China's elite People's Armed Police appeared to be trying to maintain order, but did not attempt to stop demonstrators from raining rocks and bottles down on the compound in northeastern Beijing.

Another embassy bites the dust...errm...nono, this is personal. they are targetting the embassador. I hope they didnt spoil any gates or spray any grafittis...

ANyway, rocks and bottles are just as bad.

Oh....realised its a 'IN' thing for law enforcers to stand around or not even appear in times like these.
HAhah...coincidence? U decide.

Time to hit the books again.

I need some happy posts.
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