Thursday, April 28, 2005


Post no. 40

Im pissed.

Just the other day, while i was mugging for my finals (throw in some TV time, newspaper reading time and multiple naps in between everything else), i decided to start looking for job.

Yes, the truth has sunk in. NTU is never going to offer me a slot for their PhD prog even though im most likely clever smarter wiser almost as smart as some of the ah lian and tactless a**holes very smart people in my faculty.

So i decided to start looking for job. Almost right away, i recieved an interview form (those that you need to fill up to qualify urself for a shot at an interview).

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At 9am in the monring, i needed 2 referees. I never really understand the need for it but i guess it was a formality. I decided to turn to my long time friend. This is a friend that i have known for the past 8....err...9 years.

SMS msgs.

Me : Cs, do you mind being my referee? Im applying for a job.

Cs : Huh? What happen? I tot you dun need to work? Your papa is so rich.

Me : Papa went bankrupt the other day. Now need job to pay off debts (and to buy myself a car and a condo and apply for some credit cards)

Cs : Dun lie. Tell me a good reason why i should be your referee. How can i be sure that you are not using the info for something else?

Me : Errmm... Why would i use ur info for something else, let alone anything bad? <-- is that a good enough reason?

Cs : What kind of reason is that?


At this point of time, the recpeptionist was eyeing me suspiciously and i was somewhat paiseh because i was taking so long to fill up something so trival.

I must clarify that this friend of mine does speak some truth. You see, I come from a very very very very very very very very rich family. How rich??

You guys know Mr Sim? Or Mr Wee? (If you dun noe who they are, Mr Sim is our very own CREATIVE SUPREMO...and Mr Wee is from UOB.)

That would give you a rough idea how rich my family is....or rather was..

I swear, im not lying. About a 3 dozen years ago, in 1969, My dad has at lesat $2 as pocket money when he went to school. You guys go ask how much Mr sim has back then! so the story goes...

Using that as a yardstick, u can imagine how much my family is worth... up till 2 weeks ago.

But thats another story.

So I guess its understandable that my friend of 10 years refuse to pass me his particulars. Maybe he got wind that my family is a bankrupt now and that he fear that i would use the info to get some money from loanshark. hmmm....sounds like a good idea huh?

But still....Im pissed! He should have given me the benefit of the doubt. COme on! 9 freaking years and you refuse to let me use you as a referee... =( Im hurt..

Anyway, i didnt get the job. becoz i couldnt think of anyone else whom i could have called. Come to think of it....even if he gave me his details, i would have needed another referee. But thats not the point. It was his outright refusal..

Okie, im broke and im friendless..

This is an appeal to all fellow bloggers. Pls be my friend so that you can be my referee. Thanks.
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