Sunday, May 01, 2005


Post no. 41

What do rich people do in their free time?

Golf? Shopping trips around the world? Indulge in fanciful hobbies like stamp collecting antique collecting?

I would reckon its a combination of the above. I mean afterall, if you are rich, u can pretty do anything that you want in your own time without financial limitations.

But interestingly, the very very very rich would indulge in something that would most likely puzzle the rest of us.

Im not sure about you but they have taken to feuding with each other with equipnments like spotlights, soapy water and videocameras.

Check out what i extracted from STRAITS TIMES some time back.

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The new kids on the block.

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The pretenders.

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The father of all feuding neighbours.

Actually, i dont really understand whats all the fuss about. I would have just whack the lights out of the offending neighbour instead of using these sissy tactics. Then again, im bankrupt so i would never understand the works of a rich man.
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