Sunday, September 09, 2007


Post No. 163

Oh well,

I really did wish i have babies of my own...
Hhaha... I wanted to call my kids 'Lin Dan' and 'Lin Yue' with their english names being 'Nil' and 'Drench' respectively. But that would have to wait...until i find that right least. I wanna wait for someone instead this time..

In the meantime, the new additions to my family..

A washing machine from Samsung...

Fully automatic...with a capacity of 8kg.. Waaooo...


A New Mitsubishi Fridge... All 500 L of space...

Mama is certainly excited.. I hope she cooks me nicer dinner in the coming days..

Mama better not be asking me for more pocket money to fill the bigger fridge.. =(

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