Saturday, October 20, 2007


Post No. 202

Okie, this is official.

I cant fly to save my life... I belong to the backseat and i enjoy being ferry around. In fact, i enjoy being ferry around in a fighter jet and those B777-300ER... AND NOT THOSE SMALL PUNY PLANES WHICH GETS SWAYED BY STRONG WINDS.

The past week has been traumatizing. I wake up each day wishing that the wind would be too strong so that i dun need to go flying...Not that i will get air sick.. but becoz the rides are really frightening.

Imagine being thrown about in the back seat.. and the plane dipping without any notice. Its really tough.... especially for someone who likes his feet firmly on the ground..

All these while, being the only non-aircrew in the group, i had to gather data and try to figure out stuff... KNN... its really no fun..

Oh well, im done with flying.. In fact, i flew today. Hhaha... in a beechcraft.. Built in 1946, no less. It was nice...but half the time, im just following instructions...and thats not very nice. What if my instructor die on me? HAhaha....

Super shag plane rite? Hahaha...wait till u see the inside...
Oh well...

Thanks for the experience...i think i'll go stick to my jumbo jets and my occasional joy rides... Hahaha... Time to pack my bags..

Bye bye flying....Hello, pen pusher!

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