Friday, November 09, 2007


Post No. 220

I was never a good swimmer. Most of the time, i struggle to keep afloat in water...

But never would i have thought that i would struggle so badly on land too.. Im just feeling so inedequate.

Help drowning.

I opened my email yesterday to find myself being arrowed to do a brief next thurs. This is way too short a time for me to prepare anything and i have so much other stuff that requires my attention. =(

Im so tempted to march up to my boss and tell him that im struggling to cope... This is obviously a double edged sword. I'll most prob be viewed as incapable.


Life is all about decisions.

The one that im staring at rite now is
Whether i should call in sick next thursday to avoid the brief altogether... hahahahah....

Im such a lousy worker.

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