Monday, January 28, 2008


Post No. 272

"SM Goh upbeat about Singapore's economy in 2008
By Dominique Loh, Channel NewsAsia Posted: 27 January 2008 1827 hrs

SINGAPORE : Singapore's economy should be on track with the government's growth forecast of 4.5 percent, says Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

With a transport system emphasising on serving the public, residents can look forward to easier access to the rest of Singapore.

But Mr Goh had a concern: "The difficult part is vehicular population growth. We can see year after year, there's more and more cars on the road. Coming to Marine Parade takes a longer time than before. So we are putting emphasis on the public transport system.

The Ministry will make its policy announcement on car ownership next week. "

Dear all,

1) I would like to make a revision. I now see our equities market shooting all the way till 8000 points from the current 3000 points.
The good times are here again..

2) No more emphasis on controlling the growth of cars because it failed miserably, 100K COE was a laughing stock for every world leaders during international forums, the emphasis is now... controlling the usage of your cars and the poorly designedroad you use!

The difference between an entitlement and a privilege is but a perception.

Bull Run

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