Saturday, April 05, 2008


Post no. 340

Dear all,

Im down with flu. Im so sick that i didnt even take my camera out of my 'self made' dry box to play with since i came home 2 hours ago.

I spent the afternoon attending a certain ceremony to recieve an award made possible by some of the previously mentioned selfish people at my workplace. Yes, as much as i hate to admit it, they had a hand in it. Oh yes, my friends had a hand in it too..

Big Boss just called. He demanded wanted me to bring the award back on monday as the award belongs to everyone in the office and that i shouldnt be selfish and keep it at home. =(

Okie, he didnt say that. He called and offered me his apologies for not turning up at the ceremony not that i noticed. Frankly, im touched.
My big boss is a scholar and i didnt exactly have a good impression of him prior to his arrival. You know how air-headed some scholars are.. but hes proving himself to be the exact opposite. Some time ago, every one in the workplace recieved a personally signatured letter from him to attend a particular event that he was organising.

Perhapes, its time the fido monarch takes a backseat. Give me a people centric boss anyday.

Pity that im giving all this up for flexible working hours.. hee hee... hee...

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