Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Post no. 369


No, we will not give subsidies.
No, we will not artificially depress the fuel prices. We must price it in accordance with its fundamentals.
In fact, the only way around this is for our citizens to start utilizing our 1st class public transport system.
We will also provide help for the needy to offset the huge burden caused by inflation but we will give them very little because they are poor to start with and dont spend much.
And yes, we have tried our 1st class transport system on a bright early sunday morning with a special cabin catered to my bodyguards and i. The cabin was spacious and there was little crowd.
I really dont drive car... my lowly paid driver does the driving.
3 cheers for me... for all my effort in saving Mother Earth.

You guys have more things to worry about.... like how you going to repay the 50K debt you accumulate after buying some silly bags.

Or how about the rest of you...with like 200K over priced flats..

Loves to hear pleasantries.
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