Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Post no. 438
Just last nite i was talking to this certain colleague of mine with regards to the birth of a newborn of another colleague of mine. Lets call him A.Strong and my other colleague M.let.
Me : Why not wait till the baby shower? Hes busy with being a new father and doubt he needs our company now. He most prob more concerned with getting things in order with the new addition to the family.
A.Strong : Yaya, Excuses. You sound as if you never visited before. The baby is in the nursery most of the time. I have accompanied numerous friends and my sister previously.
Me : okie lor, you go visit. I'll wait for the baby shower.
A.Strong : Hey, im talking about you. Dont turn the matter around at me..
Me : ?? =)
======================================================== glad that M.let has such a good friend in A.Strong.
To be frank, if i were to get 'excited' everytime a colleague of mine tells me that he has a newborn, getting married, have a new car, brought a new house or even have a fever... I'll be very very busy.
The fact is, i have quite a few friends..last count, there were 5...
Dear friends,
Im very thick up there.. If you do indeed have a baby and need my expertise to help take care of the baby, pls explicitly say so. I'll be there, definately. =p
Real Friend
A.Strong : Have you heard about M.let's newborn? Wanna go visit him?
Me : Why not wait till the baby shower? Hes busy with being a new father and doubt he needs our company now. He most prob more concerned with getting things in order with the new addition to the family.
A.Strong : Yaya, Excuses. You sound as if you never visited before. The baby is in the nursery most of the time. I have accompanied numerous friends and my sister previously.
Me : okie lor, you go visit. I'll wait for the baby shower.
A.Strong : Hey, im talking about you. Dont turn the matter around at me..
Me : ?? =)
======================================================== glad that M.let has such a good friend in A.Strong.
To be frank, if i were to get 'excited' everytime a colleague of mine tells me that he has a newborn, getting married, have a new car, brought a new house or even have a fever... I'll be very very busy.
The fact is, i have quite a few friends..
Dear friends,
Im very thick up there.. If you do indeed have a baby and need my expertise to help take care of the baby, pls explicitly say so. I'll be there, definately. =p
Real Friend