Monday, October 06, 2008


Post no. 468

By Ernest Luis

Later this morning, Grabovac, 37 - voted the S-League's Player of the Decade three years ago since the league's inception in 1996 - returns to his birthplace Croatia, as a Croatian citizen once again.
In 2002, The New Paper asked then-FAS chief operating officer John Koh in a report, if Goncalves and Grabovac would give up their Singapore citizenships after their playing days are over, since they were already at the age of 31 by the time they received their red passports.

Koh told The New Paper then in 2002: 'No, they are not here just to play for Singapore and then pack up when it's all over.

'We have a scheme to help them in their career choices when their playing days are over. It will depend on their choices and aptitude.'
He added they could become administrative officials, but that could mean missing out on what they can really offer.

Who is feeling very smart now?
Luckily we didnt win gold during the 2008 Olympics.

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