Saturday, July 11, 2009


Post no. 781

A friend from Uni asked me yesterday what stocks to buy to make money?

1) I feel honoured.

2) He actually believes that i have found the secret sure win way to make money.

3) He trusts me.

To satisfy him and all the readers of my blog...

Im looking to buy DBS. You should too....Just whack with all the money you can find in the world when the time is right.



Im strongly suspecting that a friend of Joyce actually reads my blog.
Joyce told me over dinner that a friend of hers just brought DBS shares. Im seriously feeling really lousy now. Its my fault that she mis-interpreted my blog and blindly brought DBS shares.

Dear readers,
I re-iterate that DBS is only a good buy when the price is right.
However, if you choose to be one of those losers who uses the 'I buy to hold long term' reason when your punter picks are not making fantastic returns... go ahead and buy now.

DBS Target price - $20

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