Friday, September 25, 2009


Post no. 810

After drifting in and out of point for thee last 2000 words, i wanted to end it all with a BANG...

But....F1 is waiting and i havent given much thought of where to park and where to camp for the rest of the day.. As such, here a meek attempt to end it all.....


The difference in opinions and disputes between Malaysia and Singapore are not uncommon between neighbouring states. Their acquisitions of technologically advance military hardwares are not an attempt to get ahead in an arms race but a reflection of their anxiety to stay ahead of the ever changing strategic environment. In addition, this essay also proved that the conditions defined for an arms race were not convincingly met by either country.

In contrast, both states have numerous outstanding bilateral agreements and working cooperation under the ambit of ASEAN and FPDA to ensure the regional stability and security of the region. The two countries are also inter-dependent on trade exchanges and share a common enemy in the form of Islamic extremism that has plague the region since Sept 2001.

In summary, the acquisition of military hardwares by Malaysia do not pose a security threat to Singapore and the efforts to modernized its armed forces is not indicative of an arms race between the two neighbours.

Grade A? Naaa.... more like C. But im living proof that you can write a 2500 words essay in 10 days.

I'll touch up everything on sunday and get ready for a month's of holiday in SAFTI!

Hopes it rains heavily later.
USofA do have considerable assets in sg right? and we have the unusual love of us made military hardware... i'll be dramatic and say a mini cold war is brewing. Sukhoi 35 is such a pretty plane ^^
The reason why we have a fair bit of US military hardware is because we get them at a preferred price.

Something that the rest of the folks in the region dont get.

Keep this to yourselves.

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