Friday, November 27, 2009
Post no. 854
Most of the top PSLE students from neighbourhood schools
Posted: 26 November 2009 1538 hrs CNA
"SINGAPORE: This year's top PSLE student is Qiu Biqing from Qifa Primary School.
She had an aggregate score of 290. Six other top PSLE students are also from neighbourhood schools. They include South View, Greenridge, Gongshang and Rulang..
The 13-year-old had moved from Guangzhou four years ago with her family but she adapted to Singapore quickly. She admits her toughest subject at school was English.
She said: “Even now I don't think I've conquered English completely. After the exam I go back and check the dictionary and find out that I've made quite a lot of mistakes. I think I'll continue to work hard and improve.”
South View! Waaoot... This is the very same school that produces students who dirty my void deck every afternoon.
Then again, im not going to take anything way from them... they were the turnaround story of the century.
I remember their school used to be in some obscure little corner in the west. My school bus used to pick up some of their students... and (me) coming from the prestigious HENRY PARK Primary School, i often wonder if their students were ever going to amount to anything...
20 years later...
They are producing top students year after year.... im not sure what happen to HENRY PARK.
Anyway, im a little disturbed.
"After the exam I go back and check the dictionary and find out that I've made quite a lot of mistakes."
So how do she score so high mark? i smelling a rats and becoming top students?
Scored 220++ in PSLE.
Posted: 26 November 2009 1538 hrs CNA
"SINGAPORE: This year's top PSLE student is Qiu Biqing from Qifa Primary School.
She had an aggregate score of 290. Six other top PSLE students are also from neighbourhood schools. They include South View, Greenridge, Gongshang and Rulang..
The 13-year-old had moved from Guangzhou four years ago with her family but she adapted to Singapore quickly. She admits her toughest subject at school was English.
She said: “Even now I don't think I've conquered English completely. After the exam I go back and check the dictionary and find out that I've made quite a lot of mistakes. I think I'll continue to work hard and improve.”
South View! Waaoot... This is the very same school that produces students who dirty my void deck every afternoon.
Then again, im not going to take anything way from them... they were the turnaround story of the century.
I remember their school used to be in some obscure little corner in the west. My school bus used to pick up some of their students... and (me) coming from the prestigious HENRY PARK Primary School, i often wonder if their students were ever going to amount to anything...
20 years later...
They are producing top students year after year.... im not sure what happen to HENRY PARK.
Anyway, im a little disturbed.
"After the exam I go back and check the dictionary and find out that I've made quite a lot of mistakes."
So how do she score so high mark? i smelling a rats and becoming top students?
Scored 220++ in PSLE.