Wednesday, December 02, 2009


POst no. 859

Donating blood: effects on athletes
Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

"A healthy athlete should be able to recover completely from donating blood in eight weeks, but he may lose some of his ability to train for a few days. Following a donation of one pint, blood volume is reduced by about ten percent and returns to normal in 48 hours. For two days after donating, you should drink lots of fluids and probably exercise at a reduced intensity or not at all. Donating blood markedly reduces competitive performance for three to four weeks as it takes that long for blood hemoglobin levels to return to normal.


HK liao. No wonder i cant even finish my 5km run yesterday.
Smart a** me thought that i could time this and save some lives at the same time.

Ex Potential 2009 SCM Winner
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