Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Post no. 869

Cycling on footways to be legalised in Tampines - 13 Dec 2009. 938 live

Im deeply disturbed.

MP for Tampines GRC Mah Bow Tan explains :
"The first one is infrastructure, the second one is education, and thirdly enforcement. The last one was missing, enforcement. To keep the errant cyclists who endanger the lives of pedestrians to make sure that they’re not reckless. So, we wanted to make sure that cyclists obey the rules of the road, that they give way to pedestrians, do not obstruct, and if they don't then we will be able to enforce and take action against them."

Im deeply deeply disturbed.

1) What infrastructure?
2) How to educate?
3) Who to enforce?

I leave you with this series of photos. You tell me how to co-exist on the narrow footpath, how to educate these folks and who will be running around like headless chickens if these folks flaunt the rules...


For cyclist or for me?


How to siam?



Even the bikes want a piece of the road..It can only work if all of us are gracious and kind. But because the education system is an elitist one which focus on hard tangible skills, this exercise of having both the cyclist and pedestrian coexisting is nothing but a feeble attempt to clock some new initiatives under the minister's portfolio.

For my reader's info, i didnt deliberately went out to get the above pics after the report. I had them in my PC for a while after some very bad experience with these cyclist while jogging.

Now, can anyone remind who wanted to bring all these foreign workers' dorm to the heartland?

Just a jogger.
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