Saturday, December 26, 2009


Post no. 880


Just this afternoon, a friend of mine got particularly upset about the no show of his several other friends over an outing he was organising..

The trick to avoid such an situation is to manage your expectations and have friends of different level. Here are some categories of people in my life..

1) Your colleagues are your colleagues. Do not mistake them for friends.
I have many colleagues.Many many of them. We hang out sometimes but i dont talk about anything else other than work...or gossip about others.

2) There are some friends whom you can have lots of fun together.
Do not mistake them as friends whom you can turn to in times of trouble. (Trouble does not mean white gold when your relatives or your dad pass away...)
I have many of these friends too... They fill up my life sometimes and keep me entertained when all is well.

3) Then there are people whom crossed path with you a long time ago..
I have many of these people in my life too. We meet on the streets..and practically every where else... Some of them, i dont even remember their names. Sometimes, we hang out for awhile... but they often disappear as sudden as they appear..

4) And finally there are friends whom i turn to in times of trouble...
They know most of my trouble and i bitch the most to them when i see them (even if i dont see them for awhile). They usually cant help me when im in trouble (because i get myself into soo much trouble nowadays) but its always comforting that they are there. If i have to hide away from the world... i would go to them.

Once you know what you can expect from the people in your life... you tend to not get disappointed soo often.

Live and let live. You'll be lucky if one person in your life falls into Category 4.

Your friend

Live & let live... Roger Sir!
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