Tuesday, February 09, 2010
POst no. 906
Pastor's comments on Buddhism/Taoism "inappropriate & unacceptable": MHA
Posted: 08 February 2010 2345 hrs CNA
Lets make an example out of him. Put him away for a year or two...
When he comes out, make him the ambassador for religious harmony. Surely, you dont have to be pulled aside for such chats before realising that you are threading on thin ice.
Overheard from the coffee shop below my voiddeck
'Hes just one of those...'
Posted: 08 February 2010 2345 hrs CNA
Lets make an example out of him. Put him away for a year or two...
When he comes out, make him the ambassador for religious harmony. Surely, you dont have to be pulled aside for such chats before realising that you are threading on thin ice.
Overheard from the coffee shop below my voiddeck
'Hes just one of those...'